AFTERBURN: A group for Engineers and Industrial Designers in Chicago
DESIGN-ENGINE EDUCATION will continue our Afterburn User group meetings held after work on the last Thursday night of each month. The Afterburn meetups are great way to let like minded designers and engineers to network and enjoy intelligent conversations. Maybe some debates too. These after work meetings can present any of the various design engineering software programs such as Solidworks, Creo – Pro/ENGINEER’s new name, Alias Studio, Rhino, Maya, and Adobe Suite. As you probably know Design-Engine has a passion for all things design.
This next Afterburn we will focus on using Creo 3.0 surfaces. Creo 3.0 version of Pro/ENGINEER. Marketing at PTC the company who makes Creo 3.0 chose not to call the tool Pro/ENGINEER probably because of the word ‘ENGINEER’ might make industrial designers shy away from this robust and powerful tool. This night we will discuss topics and items that we think are cool and need inside Creo 3.0 and share our enthusiasm in the tool. These Thursday after work presentations at Design-Engine’s West Loop Studio (afterwork = afterburn) from 6:00 to 8:00 PM hope to offer shared resources, conversations, networking, and maybe share a resume or two.
The ultimate goal for Design Engine and these meetings is to empower design & engineering professionals to maximize their efficiency and productivity with respect to their CAD tool of choice and improve their product development process through better use of the tools at hand. We aim to increase their skills and capabilities with professional 3D engineering and industrial design tools such as Solidworks, Creo, Maya, Alias Studio, Adobe, Rhino, and more. Our rigorous methodology gives students near one-on-one instruction from highly qualified mentors. We help participants earn more money, get better jobs, and become more creative and innovative.
DESIGN-ENGINE is located at 120 North Green Street Chicago IL 60607 (southwest side of Green street & Randolph; Exit off 94 in the West loop)
This Afterburn will start at 6:00 Design-Engine will supply pizza and refreshments
7:00PM 10 minute lecture then discussion comparing surfacing workflow in Creo 3.0 with respect to technical surfacing
7:20PM 10 minute lecture then discussion comparing proving form in each tool (industrial designers surfacing)
November 19rd 2015, 6-8pm
Future Topics:
- Jan 28th 2016 Import DataDoctor IDD managing IGES & STEP data + Dynamic Edit (from inside ISDX)
- Feb 25th 201 6 Overview of Creo 4.0 (if it’s released by this date)
Looking for presenters!
Come show off your Pro/Engineer skills. In future meetings we can have three or more presentations. Did you solve a project problem uniquely using Pro/Engineer or Creo? Did you figure something out using Pro/Engineer or Creo that you think might benefit the collective? If you want to present please submit an email to Che Fredrick. at:
AFTERBURN: A group for Engineers and Industrial Designers in Chicago