AFTERBURN: Design for Manufacturability Using SolidWorks
Design Engine is hosting our AfterBurn networking event with a discussion in our Chicago studio. Join us Thursday, October 18th from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at 4043 N. Ravenswood Avenue, Suite 301, Chicago, IL 60613. Food and beverages will be provided. Doors open at 5:00 PM once class wraps up for the day.
Special Thanks to Revolution Brewery for supplying the beer for this event
Please RSVP to scott (at) (While RSVPs are encouraged, we will always welcome last-minute attendees!)
“Design for Manufacturability Using SolidWorks”
AFTERBURN is a series of after-work presentations with friends (and beer). These events are a great way to decompress from work, network with others in your field and learn a thing or two! All are welcome!
In a competitive market where products need to be produced faster, with a higher and consistent quality at a lower cost, it’s important to streamline the workflow. SOLIDWORKS consolidates tools into a single environment, effectively eliminating the errors and intelligence gaps that often come with data translation between departments. SOLIDWORKS Design-to-Manufacturing Solution, concept to final assembly work can now happen concurrently, in one seamlessly integrated and managed system.
After each presentation (and during) we will have conversation fueled by enthusiasm and a few beers.

Bart Brejcha is a world-renowned instructor, known for his surfacing and product design training classes.

Design Engine is located in the North Center Neighborhood of Chicago, at 4043 N Ravenswood Avenue, Suite 301 Chicago, IL 60613.
The office is conveniently located near the Irving Park Brown Line stop (visit the CTA website to plan your trip).
Please email scott (at) to reserve your spot by 10/15.
October 18, 2018, 6:00 to 9:00 PM (some events may run longer, due to discussion times). Doors open at 5:00 PM.
Visit some of Design-engine’s Solidworks training Classes on our website.
Future Topics:
- November 2018 Design for Additive Manufacturing: Check out the latest in MarkForged products and discuss the capabilities and constraints of design for AM.
- December 2018 Sketching Workshop: Has anyone ever shown you a drawing that left you more confused? Learn basic sketching from the experts and check out the latest Wacom products to streamline your workflow.
- January 2019 Intro to Rhino/Grasshopper Workshop: Learn the basics of Rhino and explore the capabilities of Grasshopper programming to create complex patterns and meshes.
- Have ideas for future events? Contact us today!
- Design Engine organizes the Peoria PTC User Group, and will be hosting another event in spring of 2019. If you interested in attending or organizing email scott (at)
Interested in presenting?
Did you solve a project problem uniquely using Solidworks or Creo? Do you have information that is beneficial to the industrial design world? Come show off your SolidWorks, Creo, Rhino 3d, Alias Studio skills, by applying to be an AfterBurn presenter! If you would like to present, please submit an email to Scott at: scott (at)