AFTERBURN: No more blank stares … Breaking the myths of sustainable design
Sustainable Design
Design Engine is hosting our AfterBurn networking event with a discussion in our Chicago studio. Join us Thursday, October 20th from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at 120 N. Green Street # 605 – AFTERBURN = AFTERWORK presentations with friends (and beer). It’s a great way to decompress and learn a thing or two.

The design stage of a product dictates the majority of the financial cost of a product – the same is true for the environmental impact. The tide of interest in sustainable products is turning – but a lot of myths about the how and why of sustainable design linger. This session will debunk some of these myths and provide practical concepts for bringing sustainability into every design, including use of 3D product design software to evaluate sustainability of your designs.
Afterwards we will have conversation fueled by enthusiasm and a few beers.
- Common Myths of Sustainable Design and Response – Laura Flanigan
Solidworks Sustainability Add-in Overview – Bart Brejcha
- Solidworks Surfacing tips and tricks – Bart Brejcha – A preview of our upcoming Design Engine SolidWorks Surfacing Class Oct 31-Nov 4
Presenter Laura Flanigan has 15 years of experience defining and creating solutions for business innovation and strategic design to help clients achieve their visions for sustainable products, business practices and operations. Her solutions provide innovative responses to changing market expectations and regulations, enhance brand reputation, develop eco-product claims, and create long-term resilient business models and supply chains. Read her recent article on here:
The idea behind doing a monthly 3D CAD User Meeting was born from frustration that there is no Chicago PTCUSER organization. We decided to be proactive because we love this stuff and it is downright shameful Chicago doesn’t have an active platform to network and share knowledge.
Design Engine is located in the West Loop of Chicago (southwest side of Green street & Randolph; Exit off 94 in the West loop). RSVP for the event here.
*All future Afterburns will be held at our new location — 4043 N. Ravenswood, Chicago IL
120 North Green Street Chicago IL ste 605 Sixth floor buzz 000 (three zeros)
October 20th, 2016, 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Future Topics:
- December 22nd, 2016 – 3D Printing and 3D CAD: Using 3D CAD with respect to 3D printers. Come on everytone is doing it! Shapeways Style
- January 19th. 2016 – What’s New in Creo 4.0: Take a tour of the latest release of Creo from sketching selections, renderings to patterns
- Solidworks Surfacing beginners to Advanced
- Sketching for Engineers workshop
- Have ideas for future events? Contact us today!
Looking for presenters!
Come show off your SolidWorks, Creo, Rhino 3d, Alias Studio skills. In future meetings we can have three or more 20 minute presentations. Did you solve a project problem uniquely using Solidworks or Creo? Did you figure something out using Solidworks or Creo that you think might benefit the collective group? If you would like to present please submit an email to Scott at: scott (at)