We’ve seen “hoverboards,” we’ve seen Segways and we’ve seen robots – how about something that combines all three? Segway, in collaboration with Intel and Chinese robotics firm Ninebot, has developed a vehicle that can work similarly like the very popular, (although sometimes exploding) two-wheeled “hoverboards” but can also turn into a personal robot once you hop off of it.
The self-balancing “Segway Advanced Personal Robot,” as it’s officially named, doesn’t look much like a robot while it’s being ridden. Most of the robot parts fold away when the user is onboard the robot and it’s two-wheeled platform makes it look similar to that of a regular Segway – just a little bit shorter and not equipped with handle bars. Once the user hops off, it can turn into your own personal robot. The robot itself is powered by one of Intel’s Atom processors and can respond to voice commands and stream videos. Essentially, giving you eyes in rooms that you aren’t physically in.
Intel’s RealSense ZR300 camera helps the robot to see its surroundings clearly and avoid bumping into objects in your home. This also means the robot can follow you on command. The robot can also connect to other smart hardware to make monitoring your home even easier. Additionally, arms can be attached to the robot, while the “face” of the robot is simple – just two blinky little eyes on its screen.

Image via CNNMoney

The robot is open platform and a developer kit for the robot will be available later in 2016, eventually followed by a consumer version.
Article Written by Mila Medonaite for Design Engine, January 20, 2015