AFTERBURN: Applying Creo Plastic Part Design & Mold Design – Theory & Application
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Design Engine is hosting our AfterBurn networking event with a discussion in our Chicago studio. Join us November, 16th from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM at 120 N. Green Street located in the west loop @ 120 North Green Street # 605 We would like an RSVP so we can make sure we have enough soft drinks/beer/food for the participants. email scott at Of course if you find out at the last minute your still welcome.

Plastic Part Design / Mold Design – Theory & Application
AFTERBURN = AFTERWORK presentations with friends (and beer). It’s a great way to de-compress from work and learn a thing or two.
According to Design News, “There are two important components of plastic part design that are absent in most engineering curricula: mold design and plastic part design.” In this case, we will in a series of presentations highlight the fundamental considerations necessary for designing products with plastics with respect to the various processes and available plastics. Additionally, participants will learn how to create final extract components that reflect the geometry of the design model, along with shrinkage considerations. All skill levels are welcome from experience plastic part designers to inventors looking to learn about plastic part design.

Bart Brejcha will present in part a short history of the plastic industry and share various tips and tricks for making draft and parting lines using PTC Creo. In the second presentation, Werner will cover the basic premises of how to layout a mold base using powerful PTC Creo software. This lecture is great for seasoned & non seasoned Engineers alike looking to better visualize the plastic injection part design process including side action, ejector pins & plates and the mechanism of molds opening and closing.
After each presentation (and during) we will have conversation fueled by enthusiasm and a few beers.
- Two presentations, the first presentation will provide a simplified and practical approach to designing with plastic using PTC Creo 4.0. 1 hour (An intensive overview of Bart’s plastic injection two day or full week class – Bart Brejcha
- In this second presentation the presenter will outline mold base layout and design of plastic injection mold base. This is an intense overview of Werner’s three day mold design class 1 hour – Werner K.

Bart Brejcha & Werner K. will share plastic part design tips and tricks in both Solidworks & Creo including + basics of Draft to top down design for spliting molds. Bart has been an instructor for design engine since 1998 and teaches both Solidworks and Creo surfacing classes among many other classes.
Design Engine hasw a Plastic part WEEK LONG Class Week of November 27th is a week long combination of these two classes Take last three days of Mold design or all five days plastic injection through mold desing. This class will be administered w/ out using PTC Mold Design software.
The idea behind doing a monthly 3D CAD User Meeting was born from frustration that there is no Chicago or IL PTCUSER organization. We decided to be proactive because we love this stuff and it is downright shameful Chicago doesn’t have an active platform to network and share knowledge. We are planning a Creo user conference in Peoria for late winter or early spring if you interested email us and we may put you to work.
Design Engine is located in the West Loop of Chicago (southwest side of Green street & Randolph; Exit off 94 in the West loop). RSVP for the event by emailing scott (at) so we know how much food and drinks to get.
4043 N. Ravenswood
November 16, 2017, 6:00 to 9:00 PM or later if we can get into some heated discussions.
Future Topics:
- December 2017 Rhino Level 1: Intro to Rhino 3D / Grasshopper where participants will learn about surface modeling and discuss general modeling relating specifically to Rhino 3D Software
- January 2018 Creo to Solidworks: Anyone looking to transition from Creo to Solidworks, or anyone who wants to learn about the reverse commute as well….. Everyone should attend this
- February 2018 Creo Surfacing Week One: This workshop has been specifically designed to work for those interested in gaining a high level of Creo surfacing and Creo Style usage in just one week
- Have ideas for future events? Contact us today!
- Were talking about starting up a conference in Peoria if you interested in attending or organizing email scott (at)
Looking for presenters!
Come show off your SolidWorks, Creo, Rhino 3d, Alias Studio skills. In future meetings we can have three or more 20 minute presentations. Did you solve a project problem uniquely using Solidworks or Creo? Did you figure something out using Solidworks or Creo that you think might benefit the collective group? If you would like to present please submit an email to Scott at: scott (at)