On Sunday, November 7th, the crew of Jealous Magazine utilized the Design Engine office for their Holiday Party themed photoshoot. Joel Koster, Maya/Alias instructor by day & janitor by night (haha, jk), had just finished doing a spic-and-span cleaning of the office just a few minutes prior to their arrival.
As the crew started setting up the cameras, wardrobe, and lighting, I sat down in an interview-esque manner with one of the partners of Jealous Magazine, Cassie Allen, to ask her a bit about what the magazine entails about and what direction it was taking. This all took place whilst sipping on some Stella Artois (Jack and Coke were also in the mix) that Cassie so kindly purchased for us. Jealous Magazine is an online publication of the fashion, culture, and beauty of the Chicago area, although the readers will come from all over the interweb. Jealous Magazine will be showcasing a lot of indie, local designers, too. Cassie said that the magazine will be capturing the essence of Chicago, much like how the Brooklyn scene has evolved as a hip, cultural center of NYC; Jealous Magazine will set itself apart from other fashion & beauty publications with this very notion. Cassie said that the magazine prides itself in writing its own articles, rather than feeding from various sources like many online resources do. Because it’s a brand new publication, a lot of trade-offs are happening behind the scenes with models, make-up & hair, photographers, and designers, in hopes that their works will make a name for themselves.
As I continued sipping on my beer and working on the Design Engine site, I periodically took snapshots of the chaos that surrounded me with my HTC Evo phone. See photo gallery at the end of the article.
Joel then suggested taking photos at our neighbor, Pete’s, 6,000 sq. ft. loft. Having been there a few times myself and having been dumbstrucken with its magnanimity, I wished that I had come up with the grande idea. So with Pete’s permission, we all filed down there to take a gander at the space to find a good spot to shoot. The photos towards the end of the gallery, including the one of me, takes place at this location. After a couple of hours, everyone started getting a little hungry (yes, even the models). Cassie ordered a couple of pizzas from Tomato Head, right down the street.
The photoshoot takes 4-5 hours total, with a mix of stills and make-up tutorials in our back office. Nester, the photographer, took a shot of me shooting one of the models. Fun. A photo within a photo… ehhh? (insert Dr. Evil’s pinky-to-lip pose). Twas a success overall, and I’m happy to have been able to help the magazine out. Cassie and her crew were so kind and pleasant to work with. I hope that we’ll be able to work together in the future.
Jealous Magazine has a splash page up on their site now, but the full site will be launching December 2010.
Article Written by: Justina Nguyen
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