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Design Engine

Liveworx 20 Virtual Event

In the technology sector, we are constantly evolving. We come up with new ideas or concepts for product design and industrial innovation. This year is no different. We have all had to navigate through our lives in uncharted territory. In the past, Liveworx has been a huge 4-day event held in Boston, where PTC brings together thousands to find better ways to get work done. This year, it goes virtual. Liveworx will be held June 9, 2020 as a one day, complimentary technology event focused on digital transformation, in which you can join from anywhere.

You will be able to find content in 6 industries and 7 themes that apply to your job role with topics and technologies like IIoT, Augmented Reality, CAD, Workforce of the Future (new in 2020!), additive manufacturing, security and more. There will be over 9 livestream keynote presentations and 100+ on-demand sessions from leading trailblazers in the industry.

Design Engine is eager to share one session in particular. Bart Brejcha, Product Designer, Lead Instructor, and self-proclaimed super advocate of PTC products has a session titled ‘Work Smarter or Harder? A new Creo approach to Modeling & Changes’ . He will be offering a new perspective to manage the parent-child relationships effectively and give a live demonstration of modeling using style curves & surfaces. Bart is known for telling participants in his design, engineering and manufacturing classes at DE, “It’s not how fast you model something, but how fast you change it twenty times that makes you the expert”.

If you have not already registered for this event, we encourage you to do so. It has been the Design Engine philosophy to always learn something new. Now more than ever, some of us seem to have more time on our hands. It can be a great opportunity to take on new learning initiatives in order to re-skill or upskill talents and excel within your careers. If you find yourself furloughed or unemployed, you may be wondering how to make sure you are considered an essential employee within your profession. Job security can look different depending on the circumstance, but don’t be so set in your ways that you are just treading water. There is usually more than one way to approach a problem and employers like it when you can provide solutions.

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