That’s the lovely Sondra Ellingson acting up as we often do with the Chicago skyline. Drone Attack!
At Design Engine, we dabble with vinyl wraps, as we have an on-staff graphic designer that needs to stay busy. The Phantom Drone PDF line art template below was created June 2016 as we at Design Engine wrap everything including the Design Engine studio refrigerator, the coffee machine, coffee grinder, sportbike race motorcycles, race trailer, Motorcycle helmets, Ford F250 truck, Dell Laptops, Yamaha YZ450 motocross bikes, GoPro Cameras and the Phantom 3 drones. Compound surfaces (surfaces that change in two directions) are the hardest to wrap, but we have a great deal of practice since the motorcycle fairings have mostly compound surfaces. The Phantom 3 & Phantom 4 drone has compound surfaces.
This Phantom PDF template has test printed as of June 25th 2016. During the vinyl application we thought that the slits may not be necessary. The vinyl we use is rather thin, so we took out the slits for another print and many slits are not included in the PDF for download below. Also a pink line in a specific layer is often-and in this case-included into the PDF below. A pink cut line or layer usually denotes the cut lines for most printers because they print then in a second pass cut. If you print this PDF and want to suggest changes, or maybe you simply want the .ai file please email me
PHANTOMMAINBODY03.PDF The line art vinyl PDF
The above PDF is revised after doing a test print.
Another article written in 2012 about the vinyl wrap efforts at Design Engine
There are many professional graphic design vinyl wrap companies. Often working magic compound surfaces can be difficult, color has to be perfect and the cut line needs to be right on point. One company we have worked with in the past ‘Pop Shadow’ Decals Pop Shadow will come to the motorcycle race track and obtain your flat pattern off the motorcycle as you order your design. Or Dripping Wet The later who we have not had the opportunity to work with. Many have the flattened state or vinyl cut lines saved out from past jobs stored out in their library. If they don’t have the flattened state they will defiantly have process in place to capture that flat cut line.
For more on vinyl wrap watch our video on vinyl wrapping