call us at 312•226•8339 to speak with an account manager about our remote training services

Learning to Design with MODO


With the Mesh Fusion plugin (live Booleans) MODO is one of the most powerful free-form Subdivision modeling tools currently available for designers today who want to create complex, sculptural designs. MODO’s built-in rendering package is in a league of its own, with hundreds of custom materials/texture effects and the ability to produce rendered images that are on-par with the most expensive studio photography quality. For use in manufacturing, MODO’s 3D file geometry be exported into other Parametric or Nurbs based modeling platforms (SolidWorks, Rhino, Alias) to produce high quality A-Class surface models suitable for 3D printing and production tooling.


This one week intensive workshop covers basic introduction to MODO’s tools, features, and navigation through the user interface, followed by Intermediate 3D modeling, surfacing training, and photorealistic rendering training. This is the perfect workshop for designers or engineers who want to be able to quickly and convincingly translate or “sketch” their design ideas into 3D, without being limited by typically time-intensive ID or engineering focused modeling tools.


16/40 hours


None! A design aptitude is helpful.