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Design Engine Blog

Keeping you up to date with all the latest industry news, events and Design Engine perspectives

Ideas, Thoughts, Perspectives

Genetic Algorithms for Optimization

A genetic algorithm is a search heuristic for optimization given a set of guidelines. The algorithm works with different kinds of strings of data that

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Ideas, Thoughts, Perspectives

Awesome Art: SRAM Part Project

Here’s a box of 100 SRAM high-performance bike components. Now make something of it. That’s the challenge SRAM laid down for a group of noted

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darpa x2cv flypmodel
Ideas, Thoughts, Perspectives

X2CV – High Speed Military Vehicle

The XC2V FLYPMode is one imposing looking vehicle. Also known as the Experimental Crowd-derived Combat Support Vehicle, DARPA has billed this mean machine as the

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Ideas, Thoughts, Perspectives

Designing A Chess AI

In 1996 IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess computer, beat the world champion, Garry Kasparov. This marked the first time a computer was capable of defeating

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