Rhino Grasshopper Training
Participants will learn how to enhance their 3D modeling abilities in Rhino by mastering the basics of Grasshopper. This plugin for Rhino allows you to create complex patterns and structures that would be impossibly time consuming to make otherwise. Rhino Grasshopper Training is most useful when built on top of experience in your design profession. Grasshopper can enhance your skills in careers such as Industrial Design, Architecture, Jewelry Design, and more!


- What Grasshopper is and how it fits into the design process
- Workspace set up and learning the interface
- Grasshopper component types
- Logic and the basics of ‘visual-programming’
- Visualize a mathematical equation
- Linking together multiple pieces of logic
- Create a grid array of objects on a flat plane
- Using curve geometry as ‘attractors’ to influence objects in your array
- Advanced object arrays and how to customize them
- Using the Grasshopper transform functions
- Algorithmically driven transformations
- Geometry patterns driven by an image
- ‘Morph’ transformations and what they enable
- Creating custom geometry and arraying it onto a 3D curving surface
24 hours – 3-day stand-alone course OR
40 hours – combined with Rhino for Beginners for a 5-day course
Basic understanding of Rhino 3D is recommended for the 3-day course.
- How grasshopper can speed up your iterative design process
- The limits of grasshopper and when it should be used
- Learning how to experiment with the tools
- Pulling apart Grasshopper examples and plugging them together
- How to get the 3D data out of Rhino and into another software package

Video Training Delivery System
Ask your Design Engine account manager about our Training Delivery System(TDS), an easy-to-follow guide for designers and engineers who want a supplement to this course.