call us at 312•226•8339 to speak with an account manager about our remote training services

Creo Parametric & Surfacing Intensive


We help customers in many different ways.  Sometimes in thorough training or consulting.   It’s really the same to us however sometimes upper level management requires the estimate to say one specific thing or not say one specific thing. For this reason we offer a specific course for consulting.  This training class is for Industrial Designers and Design Engineers who have previously taken Creo surfacing training courses from Design Engine in the past.  

It might be that your team requires some hours paid for by this course to help on a project or to get you past a problem.  These hours are part of our Block system of hours.  Your team can purchase 10 20 100 hr blocks that ensure the Design Engine team is on your team.  Some of our customers do the reverse.  They buy our consulting but really only want a class because of budgetary concerns.   No matter what the issue we are here to help.  Fill out the Register now! form below and tell us the problem and we will get you the estimate appropriate for the needs. 



  • Build selection sets in Creo
  • Establishing a proper plan for developing the project
  • Intense reintroduction to Style & to IGES import with Data Doctor or IDD
  • Learn to take advantage of isoparms/isolines with respect to striation or flow of a surface
  • Learn about tangent issues in-depth using examples from difficult surface anomalies with or without control points
  • Learn advanced details of Sweeps, blends & other curve & surfacing techniques to maintain Draft
  • Techniques for capturing form by looking at various foam models to initiate the modeling process
  • Building surfaces from graph features
  • Alternative surface creation techniques from robust curves
  • Introduction to 3D bounding boxes or lattice structures
  • Create ridiculously robust models utilizing lattice structures
  • Discuss how to incorporate handles for further control as well as understanding surfaces that look at those curves
  • Reintroduction to Wet Cardboard:  affecting light reflection with geometry and adding lead in for resultant surfaces
  • Reintroduction to top down design using Skeleton Parts and published geometry
  • Adding bounding boxes to models in hindsight

Duration & Cost

40 hours = $2850 per student

For corporate rates, please call (312)226-8339


  • Practical uses for surface analysis tools 
  • Manage Illustrator artwork in Creo diametrically and build geometry from that data
  • G0, G1, G2, G3 examples
  • Round Exercises
  • Pattern Projects
  • Hole tool models
  • Polycom Speaker: 3 pronged speaker phone
  • Saddle Model
  • Hair Straightener
  • Model a Herman Miller seat basin
  • To-Go Coffee Mug using Top-Down design
  • Calphalon Illustrator file via DXF IGES
  • Black & Decker suction tube: blend from square to round
  • Intense review of Sweep & Blend, comparing sweep functions to blend and boundaries
  • Can be customized to focus on needs of the participants or company projects


white laptop
  • Discuss techniques for making more robust surfacing models 
  • Examine differences between SOLIDWORKS and CREO
  • How to use them Copy Paste + Copy Paste Special effectively
  • Parent child relations in Sketcher
  • Refresh of the Hole tool including countersink clearance hole
  • Difference between using a separate sketch vs extrudes
  • Examine light reflections
  • Compare modeling techniques of Creo to Alias 
  • Intense review and discussion of differences between Y=X2, Y=X3, Y=X5 single span splines and full discussion on how that matters for Industrial Designers managing Curvature.
  • Review techniques for building a more robust plan of attack in Creo
  • Ventilate clam shell plastic part design as related to swept surfaces
  • Discuss styling grooves with examples
  • Set-up process for building models
  • Techniques for avoiding 3-part boundaries

Video Training Delivery System

Ask your Design Engine account manager about our Training Delivery System(TDS), an easy-to-follow guide for designers and engineers who want a supplement to this course. 

* Please note that prices listed are based upon pre-payment prior to the start of the class. The TDS is available as an additional cost to this course.